

Team Technology

  • Air quality is the key to a healthy building, we use full function of “HVAC” to integrate with the system. 
  • “H” as heat recovery, recovered heat rejection.
  • “V” as ventilation, not only fresh air intake or exhaust, we also optimized our design based on standard by indirect air to air heat exchange. Moreover, designed ventilation system for cross-contamination control room, either negative or positive room.
  • “AC” as air conditioning, I would like to highlight on the word “conditioning”, the goal for each condition is different, either for health, comfort, or hygiene. For example, infection control room concerns about faultless temperature and controlled humidity. To be specific, we believe HVAC is the art of design that merged with engineering know-how.
  • We are design and customize for our customer need with high standard main equipment from Italy factory such as Outdoor Air Unit (OAU), Air Handling Unit (AHU) including Air-Cooled Chiller (ACH) or Water-Cooled Chiller (WCH), with Eurovent Standard, along with energy conservative concerns